Our Mission
Business follows is an innovative start up aimed at helping organisations, communities and foundations dedicated to the creation of Open Source Software to reach financial sustainability, without compromising on their own style and strategy. Our mission is to help developers, companies and organizations to make Open Source development a key part of their business strategies.
Our services
Leveraging your Community
Business follows helps open source organizations to find a way to get funded and flourish, without compromising.
We do help individual companies or consortiums to bootstrap their own foundations.
Strategy and Advertising
If your business strategy relies on OSS, and you look for advice, our kickstart training programs and consultancies are for you. We offer the right display advertising services to increase brand awareness and direct engagement.
What our clients say
Il supporto di Business Follows è risultato fondamentale per la scelta del modello di licensing del software di whistleblowing GlobaLeaks e per le risorse individuate al fine dello sviluppo della piattaforma.

Business Follows has the expertise necessary to help open source projects reach financial sustainability without compromising on users’ rights, and moral principles.

Raccomando Business Follows a tutti quelli che operano con il software open source e cercano un aiuto per lavorare con modelli di business economicamente sostenibili.

Founders’ advice was fundamental for focusing on helping open source communities as a sustainable business model.